Q1: Who can effectively plant churches? (Assessing)
''For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you...'' Titus 1:5
What are some common reasons why church plants and church planters fail?
The ‘wrong’ church planter.
Inability to work on a team, having a weak team or conflicted team.
Inadequate strategy, no plan, or a poor plan.
What other church planting problems have you observed?
Important questions to ask in assessing or evaluating church planters:
Is the leader called by God to plant churches? Does their spouse (if they have one) also feel called?
What type of church is being planted? Do they have the gifts and abilities needed?
Are they of sufficient spiritual maturity to begin a new church or churches?
Are their beliefs and vision compatible with the church planting team or the movement?
These questions represent four major areas to assess: CALL, CHARACTER, COMPETENCIES, & CHEMISTRY .
Discerning if a person is gifted and called to be a church planter is the most critical single decision in church planting. Craig Ott, Seven Fruitful Practices Training Manual
Four Distinct Types of Church Planters have been observed:
House Church Planter
Plants church in a home. When does this type of planter need elder qualifications? Will they be a part of a broader network of house churches and receive supervision and training?
The Pastoral Church Planter
Plants and then pastors the church for a period of time.
Strength: can train highly qualified leaders, brings stability.
Weakness: this type may lead to church addition, but rarely leads to church multiplication.
The Catalytic Church Planter
Plants and then pastors the church, but also produces strong daughter churches.
Strength: multiple churches planted, this becomes a model for other churches, other pastors.
Weakness: fewer planters are gifted enough to do this; it may produce only one generation of new churches.
The Apostolic Church Planter
Does NOT plant and pastor a church, but equips local leaders to plant a number of churches, then moves on to do the same elsewhere.
Strength: facilitates multiplication and local ownership of ministry.
Weakness: initial slower progress, lay leadership may be weak, some churches will not survive.