Multiplying churches that transform
The biblical vision is the reproduction - indeed the multiplication - of churches until entire communities are reached and regions are saturated with gospel-producing, life changing, disciple-making, salt-and-light-influencing, God glorifying churches (Ott, Church on Mission, p.117).
Christ calls us to make disciples who obey all that Jesus commanded. The command to teach obedience also assumes committed participation in the new community of Christ. Preaching the gospel and converting the lost only begin to fulfill the Great Commission....Where there are no communities of disciples, they must be created. Mission must be considered incomplete without the planting of churches among every people. Because disciples are to be made of all nations, the work of church planting cannot be considered competed until communities of disciples have been established among every people (Ott and Wilson, Global Church Planting, p.23).
Movements are characterized by discontent, vision and action....Movements change people, and changed people change the world....What Jesus did was to found a missionary movement that would one day span the globe (Addison, Movements That Change the World, p.29).
To put it simply, the multiplication of churches is as natural in the book of Acts as the multiplication of individual converts....So church planting should be as much an ongoing, natural part of your ministry as worship, evangelism, fellowship, education, and service (Keller, Center Church, p.356-7).
Jesus did not come to found a religious organization. He came to found a missionary movement that would spread to the ends of the earth. Right from the beginning, he modeled a commitment to methods that were adaptable, transferable and readily reproducible. Then most importantly, he left his followers to do it with the promise of his guiding presence through the Holy Spirit. The early Christians carried out the mission entrusted to them with great courage, ingenuity, and flexibility (Addison, Movements That Change the World, p.113).