Church Planting that Leads to Multiplication
The methods and strategies will depend on the context. However we want these fruitful practices to guide us so that church planting leads to reproduction.
Great Commission Focus: We prioritize church planting, evangelism and discipleship to fulfill the Great Commission. We intentionally pray and work where the gospel has not yet penetrated.
Indispensable Power: The Holy Spirit, Lord of the Harvest, empowers His workers. We join Him by praying diligently, listening carefully, thinking strategically, and expecting great things.
Indigenous Product: We come alongside indigenous leaders and churches who want to reproduce and help them to plant churches that are healthy, indigenous, self-supporting, reproducing, and interdependent.
Universal Principles: We determine to build on unquestionably biblical foundations by using transferable principles and fruitful practices that are rooted in the New Testament.
Empowering Process: We are called to serve. We do not seek to own, control or call ministries our own. Rather, we develop, empower and release healthy church planters, trainers and coaches.
Untapped Potential: We affirm the priesthood of all believers and invest in mobilization of teams that include non-professional and bi-vocational workers.
Transformational Ministry: The Great Commandment shapes the way we obey the Great Commission. Therefore we integrate words and deeds, compassion and proclamation, social and spiritual needs.
Healthy Partnerships: The unfinished task is great and Spirit-led cooperation is powerful. We partner with others to develop Acts 19 places where disciples, workers and churches are multiplied.
Learning Posture: We continually observe, learn, listen and evaluate because God is always doing new things to penetrate cultures and groups with the gospel.
Multiplication Emphasis: We want our greatest energy and effort to go toward efforts that multiply disciples, servant leaders and kingdom communities.
For more information on principles leading to multiplication see Ott and Wilson,