Global Alliance for Church Multiplication, bringing together network leaders from across the globe.
Movements.net, material organized by Steve Addison on disciple-making and church planting movements.
Church Planting Movements, site with David Garrison as a main contributor, author of the classic CPM book.
24:14, site focused on finishing the Great Commission, reaching unreached people groups, starting CPMs.
Missio Nexus, focusing on collaboration and learning to advance the Great Commission.
Redeemer City to City, specializing in worldwide urban church planting
C2C Collective, a Canadian network focused on Assessment, Training, and Coaching in English and French.
Reach a Village, a global network focused on providing resources to nationals planting new churches.
M4Europe, a European network resourcing and facilitating church planting country by country across Europe.
Acts29, a global church planting network defined in part by their more precise theological convictions.
Global Church Planting Network, focused on linking practitioners together regionally and by country.
Training Resources
Global Church Planting, resources reflecting Ott and Wilson's book Global Church Planting.
Dynamic Church Planting International, basic church planting training offered free worldwide in many languages.
Exponential, offers large church planting conferences, free and paid resources focused on planting large churches.
C2C Collective video resources, English and French videos from the Multiply Conference, other training events.
Dynamic Churches International, focusing on disciple-making and house church planting in 9 languages.
Coaching Resources
Keith Webb, free and paid coaching resources and coach development resources using COACH model.
Bob Logan, free and paid resources from the author of the Church Planter's Toolkit and Coaching 101.
Bob Logan, article on coaching church planters.
Assessment Resources
Lifeway Research, website with an excellent overview of assessment as well as a statistically validated online assessment tool used as part of assessing candidates for a paid church planter position.