About Us
As catalysts working with ReachGlobal, the international ministry of the Evangelical Free Church of America, we hope to accomplish the following through the empowering and guiding work of the Holy Spirit:
Our mission is to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people. We contribute to that mission by developing multipliers and resources for that purpose.
Our vision is to partner with movement leaders to develop 25,000 multipliers by 2025. With God’s help we will launch or accelerate 100 gospel movements by developing 100 national catalysts by 2025.
“Multipliers” are church planters who believe that planting a stand-alone church is not enough, and actively pursue multiplication by making healthy disciples who reproduce. They prioritize disciple-making leaders who multiply themselves so that a movement emerges. “Catalysts” (or catalyzers) are those who come alongside the “multipliers” in various locations to assess, mobilize, equip, and coach them towards movement acceleration.
Biblical Mandate:
Our Lord commanded us to make disciples of all nations. Entire regions are unevangelized and inaccessible to Western Christians. 81% of Hindu, Muslims, and Buddhists do not know a Christ-follower and have no one to tell them the Gospel – ½ of all non-Christians. We believe that:
Apostolic or Pauline type of church planting must be prioritized. Paul planted strategic churches that reproduced forming regional clusters of disciple-making churches.
“Addition” (starting stand-alone churches that don’t reproduce) will not get the job done. We must use multiplication approaches, equipping everyday disciples to make other disciples and gather them into simple disciple-making churches that reproduce.
In most situations, Christians from evangelized nations cannot be the frontline planters. They must develop, empower and support national multipliers, trainers and catalysts.
Core Values:
Fueling disciplemaking movement - “Every disciple a disciple-maker.”
Coaching those on the front lines - “No church planter stands alone.”
Reaching the unreached – “Going where gospel churches are most needed.”
Working for real transformation – “The gospel must penetrate deep to travel far.”
Mobilizing every member for ministry – “Everyday Christians discipled, empowered and equipped for a gospel movement.”
Training national leaders – “Equipping people in the harvest for the next harvest.”
Growing healthy teams – “together everyone accomplishes more.''
The multiplication vision and values are seen in the Acts 19 Ephesian movement and in this modern-day parable: https://www.efca.org/resources/document/acts-19-strategy ) https://www.efca.org/ministries/reachglobal/global-church-planting
Partnership Opportunities:
Every Christian and every church that shares this vision can be a part of this global effort:
with us by praying and giving regularly to this effort.
Adopt and support a national church planting catalyst until 2025.
Project – Contribute one-time to the training of multipliers and multiplication catalysts.